The end of a multi-year journey

Well, I finally did it and got my Ph.D. degree, I am extremely happy!

Finally got my Ph.D.!

After many years of hard work, I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis titled “Scaling Up Concurrent Analytical Workloads on Multi-Core Servers” on 24th of November 2016 at EPFL. The typical format of EPFL public Ph.D. defenses was followed: we began with my presentation, followed by questions, followed by me thanking and acknowledging colleagues and friends, followed by my advisor Prof. Anastasia Ailamaki (a.k.a. Natassa) handing the diploma to me, followed by attendees giving me multiple presents including a PS4 with games 🙂 , followed by a totally hilarious video that lab-mates made for me, and finally followed by an apéro with warm food, drinks, music and dancing!

That day will be unforgettable for me! For this reason, I would like to thank again all the colleagues and friends who helped me reach this point! You will find yourselves mentioned in the acknowledgements of my thesis!

Now on to new adventures.


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