
Who am I

Iraklis Psaroudakis

My name is Iraklis Psaroudakis and I’m also known as “kingherc” on the internet. It’s a funny nickname I picked on as a kid for video games, and haven’t changed it since! This is my personal website. It serves as my blog and a way to express myself. I hail from Greece. If you would like to know my formal background in a nutshell, here it follows.

Iraklis Psaroudakis is working remotely from Greece as a Principal Software Engineer at Elastic, focusing on the distributed scalability of Elasticsearch. Previously, he was a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Labs in Zürich, Switzerland, concentrating on parallel and distributed programming, and graph-based analytical & machine learning workloads, especially in financial crime & compliance applications. Prior to Oracle, he completed his Ph.D. at the DIAS lab of EPFL in Lausanne, focusing on scaling up highly concurrent analytical database workloads on multi-socket multi-core servers through (a) sharing data and work across concurrent queries, and (b) adaptive NUMA-aware data placement and task scheduling. During his Ph.D., he cooperated with the SAP HANA database team. Before his Ph.D., he completed his studies in Electrical & Computer Engineering at NTUA in Athens.

Contact me

You can contact me by writing an e-mail to the following address: My e-mail address

Information & CV

Badges and social networks

Website information and credits

The website’s privacy policy can be found here.

The website is hosted through GitHub Pages and powered by Jekyll. The theme of the website is Minimal Mistakes, whose license and included material can be found here.

The website’s crown icon comes from here.

The cookie consent banner is from here and here.